To better understand probiotics I decided to interview a Natural Health Professional, Johnny Delirious, the Official Guide to Alternative Medicine in the largest internet self-improvement resource on the world wide web.
For how long have you been studying Natural Health?
Professionally since 1985 when I ran Davenport laboratories. I’ve been going to health food stores since they began in late sixties and early seventies. The all natural concept appealed to me from an early age.
Since this is a blog about probiotics I will ask you specifically about probiotics. What are probiotics?
Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms that leave among the other microorganisms in the digestive tract and some of them are pathogens. Essentially they work inside our body, primarily in the digestive tract. Since they are microorganisms they feed on nutrients in the digestive tract, in the large and small intestines.
Why do we need probiotics?
The biggest benefit of taking probiotics is they keep the pathogens in lower numbers and this is what keeps our immunity system strong and maintains good health.
You are saying that you prefer Primal Defense to other probiotics on the market. Why?
Primal Defense has valuable soil microorganisms called HSOs that are beneficial to human health and wellness. Other probiotics on the market do not contain these organisms.
What do these particular organisms do?
The main benefit is they consume the fungal type of pathogens, like Candida.
For how long you’ve been taking Primal Defense?
Since 1997.
Do you prefer to take capsules or powder? Why …?
At home I take a powder and when I travel it is easier to take capsules -- powder can be messy when travelling. Powder and capsules are exactly the same formula.
What specific health problems did a probiotic solve for you personally?
Personally, I wanted to strengthen my colon and probiotics are the major factor for that, especially the HSOs. Some scientists say that probiotics is like another major organ, because of the stimulation of immunity system.
What are the long term benefits of taking probiotics? Are there any short-term benefits?
Short term detoxification takes place during which you may experience headaches or sluggishness. It is important in the beginning of any probiotic regimen to drink lots of spring or structured water, that is free of chloride and fluoride. As days go by taking probiotics and drinking lots of water detoxification subsides. At that point you have a sense of wellbeing -- you feel good.
What is the difference between probiotics and antibiotics?
Probiotics are beneficial living microorganisms. Antibiotics are chemical compounds from a pharmaceutical company designed to kill pathogenic bacteria, however for the most part they are antagonistic to all bacteria, killing the beneficial ones too.
If you have to go through a course of antibiotics should you keep taking probiotics?
I would continue taking probiotics while taking antibiotics.
Won’t the antibiotics kill probiotics?
Some will be killed, however I feel it is better to continue with my dosage of probiotics.
What is the best way to take probiotic?
I prefer to take probiotics when I first wake up in the morning with lots of water, an hour before meal -- one big dose.
What does a diet of refined sugars and carbohydrates do to our health and specifically digestive system? How do probiotics would help?
Too much sugar and carbohydrates is really a superior diet for feeding pathogenic organisms in the colon. Unfortunately the American diet has sugar and carbohydrates in all three meals a day, therefore pathogenic organisms thrive and multiply. And more often the most dangerous ones are the fungal type and many Americans will age very fast. Probiotics will help keep the population of pathogenic organisms in lower numbers. Stopping the consumption of simple carbohydrates would be the first step to good health and improved action of probiotics.
Are you going to take Primal Defense for the rest of your life?
Yes, I think it is just as important as food itself.
So that is it, just Primal Defense for probiotics?
I like to get my probiotics in as many natural sources as possible.
What are the sources?
Any fermented foods, like sauerkraut, kefir, yogurt and even though I don’t drink alcohol, even beer and wine in moderate use would be beneficial. As a supplement I would consider Primal Defense as my first choice as a probiotic to take.For the best price on Primal Defense go here.
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This is a very interesting interview and illuminates the benefits of taking probiotics. As a typical American, I do eat sugar and carbohydrates -- probably a little too much of them. Primal Defense sounds like a good combative remedy for such a diet. However, this interview has inspired me to take my healthy choice one step further: I will combine this product -- Primal Defense -- with better eating habits. I can add more good stuff with the good stuff of Primal Defense!